Investigation of the Impact of Thermal Acute Low-level Neutron Radiation on Various Hematological Parameters and Lipid Profiles in Rats.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Bio-Physics Branch, Physics Department -Faculty of Science - Al-azhar University, Cairo - Egypt

2 Al-Azhar university, faculty of science

3 Ionizing Radiation Metrology Department, National Institute of Standards (NIS), Giza, Egypt

4 Biophysics Branch, Physics Dept. Faculty of Science, Al-Azhar University.


Numerous studies have been concerned with radiation exposure, either accidentally or through therapy, with few involving low-dose occupational exposure. This study aims to investigate the potential effects of oxidative damage on the blood of male rats caused by Thermal Acute low-dose Neutron Radiation (TANR) emitted from the Am-Be source by examining the lipid profile and some hematological parameters. Twenty adult male rats were divided into four groups. The changes in the concentration of PLTs, Mean Corpuscles Volume (MPV), Lymphocytes (LYMPH), and PLTs/LYMPH ratio were measured, in addition to the change in total Cholesterol (CHOL), Triglycerides (TG), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) in the blood taken after 14 days from irradiated rats. The results indicated that all irradiated groups, compared with the control group, showed a significant increase in the concentration of total Cholesterol, Triglycerides, LDL-c, LDL/HDL ratio, and PLTs/lymphocyte ratio. At the same time, the results showed a significant decrease in platelet numbers (PLTs), platelet volume (MPV), lymphocytes, and the concentration of HDL-c. The results showed that the low dose of TANR had certain negative effects, illustrated by the rise of Triglycerides and Cholesterol. In Conclusion, Male rats' blood systems are significantly affected by thermal acute neutron radiation.


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